Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The name game

The baby or as I like to call it "Runsome" (if you don't get that joke, ask me sometime)or "Cletus the Fetus" is due on June 7 2008. We didn't find out the sex of the baby, so we have several names that are possibilites. They are:



We'll keep you posted if there are changes to the list! I don't know why you wouldn't vote for your favorite on the right.

"Runsome's" room - 3 months before 'grand opening'

So, while the baby carrier (Christy) traveled to Ohio for work, I decided to take on the daunting task of painting the nursery. Not too difficult....except Christy wanted stripes, of course. She probably saw it in some Pottery Barn catalog and just "had to have it". So I get stuck with the task. It actually turned out to be easier than I thought, just very time consuming.
The crib and dresser showed up at my least favorite store - Babies R Us. So we set those up one night after work. Now all we need is a mattress......and oh yeah, the baby.