Saturday, May 17, 2008

It's a boy! Happy Birthday Easton (5/16/08; 8:29am)

Well, where do I begin? I decided on Wednesday night that I was going to take a vacation day from work on Thursday (5/15)....I thought I would be able to get a lot of stuff done on the deck that I'm building (and I made a goal to finish the deck before "Cletus" arrives). So, I get up early, I'm at Home Depot getting a bunch of stuff.....I get in the car to head back home and I get a phone call. It's Christy, "Um, Dan?", "Yeah?", "Um, my water just broke!"
Sweet! This kid's coming today!
We go to the hospital, get there around 9am, get admitted into birthing room 4. She gets set up to a bunch of monitors and the waiting game begins. I'm going to have to estimate from this point on, because the time just dragged on, and sleeping wasn't an option really.

From about 9am until early afternoon, nothing really happened. No contractions, just a 'dull ache' according to Christy. The most exciting part of the morning and early afternoon was Christy's trips to the bathroom.....and they were frequent. See below:
So, maybe around 3 or 4 pm, she started getting 'real' contractions. Bearable, but still a little painful. After several hours of not much happening, the nurses suggested that we walk around, and go up and down stairs to try and get labor started. So, we walked.........

This sorta worked, but not totally......after another couple hours, and in the middle of watching "The Office" and "Lost" she started getting really painful contractions. So, the IV started, and the walking continued.

Finally, after suffering through many tough contraction, at 3:30 am, she got an epidural, and was on the bed chillin' for a while. This meant that we could finally take a nap. We slept until about 5:30 or 6:00am.

At 7:00 am, it was time to switch nurses (I think we were there so long the we might have had every nurse in the hospital in our room at one point or another!) So, anyway, the new nurse comes in and decides to switch Christy from her right side to her left side - apparently, this needed to happen in order for the epidural to take affect on both sides of her.

As soon as she was moved to her left side, the baby's heart rate dropped significantly. So, they tried to move her back, and the heart rate didn't jump back up.......they paged the Dr and within minutes, this is what the room looked like

There were like 7 doctors in there within 5 mins, and it was apparent - we were having an emergency C-section. (Is it me, or does the one Dr's pose in this picture scare you? Scratching his head????!!!!!!) Actually, I think I took the picture just at the right time to capture that - these Drs were awesome! Oh, and I got to wear scrubs and sit in on the, exciting, scary and nerve racking all at the same time.

So, bottom line, 24 hours of "labor" pushing.....C-Section...............................EASTON!!!

Mom is still recovering, it will probably be a while before she's 100% mobile. Easton is doing well - he was put on a IV just to be cautious, since he was having a tough time holding his temperature.....but after night #1, things are looking a lot better!

Christy is a trooper! I'm so proud of her! It's obvious that she's going to be a tremendous mother.

Oh, and about that new goal is the 4th of July. Much more reasonable, considering the last 48 hrs, don't you think!?

Baby Shower #3

The last baby shower, hosted by Gretchen Weiler was great. Christy had a great time, and we even got a free DQ ice cream cake out of it-on top of all the gifts! Long story...ask Gretch and Debi about it some day! Below are a couple pics: